I n t e r a k t i o n s - L a b o r
Marlon Barrios Solano
(New York/Geneva/Venezuela)
I am an experimental online producer and researcher based in NYC and Geneva (extreme mobility!). I am the creator and producer of dance-tech.net (this social networking site),dance-techTVand of the dance-tech@ (interviews and documentaries). All Dance-tech Interactive LLC projects, NYC based organization.
dance-tech.net is a social networking website connecting people concerned
about the techne or the CRAFT of dance in our contemporary world, its embedded
condition in technologically designed and mediated environments and of course
its trainings, its stories and histories.
It explores innovation, creative processes, collaborations and the impact
of new media technology and interdisciplinary approaches on the performance
of movement and life.
Using the most advanced social software platforms and internet rich multimedia
applications, dance-tech.net provides movement and new media artists, theorist,
thinkers and technologists the possibility of sharing work, ideas and research,
generating opportunities for interdisciplinary and collaborative projects.
dance-tech.net is also an experiment on developing a sustainable and alternative
infrastructure for knowledge production and distribution. It is aimed to facilitate
trans-local collaborative creativity allowed by the new internet.
dance-tech.net is FREE and open to all yet it growths and develops with your
participation and support.
Besides facilitating a rich and grounded social interaction for the community
with member pages, blogs, internal messaging, group creation and discussions,
dance-tech.net investigates the potential of on-line video to engage and show
the many dimensions of embodied practices, its relevance and complexity.
dance-tech.tv is an online collaborative network of video channels dedicated
to the performance of movement, creative processes, new media and interdisciplinary
Weblink: http://www.dance-tech.net/profile/network_producer
Projects and Productions: