artists participating


I n t e r a k t i o n s - L a b o r


Cameron McKirdy

(Great Britain)



Cameron McKirdy graduated in Modern Drama at Brunel University in the summer of 2013. He joined the DAP-Lab in 2012 and contributed interface design and sound design to the premiere of for the time being (Victory over the Sun)

Initially coming from a background of acting and Basic Stage Lighting his current work focuses on his interest in Interactive and visual performance. Working with the Xbox Kinect and other interactive sensor devices to generate easily controllable and interactive visuals and sometimes sound, then linking them with 3D projection mapping to display more complex and aesthetically pleasing visuals. He is very interested in using consumer products that are easily available to create his work for example game console controllers and sensors and the Apple I pad and ipod but will be looking to branch out to more electronic and non consumer based ways in the future to broaden his knowledge base.

