Gray Gallery
30. Juli 2005 20:oo-23:oo h
Streaming poetry performance installation, opening
the night and closing the event, with Gyohei Zaitsu (performance) and Götz
Rogge (streaming media).
"Six Second Dances" - Katsura Isobe
performing with interactive sensors and controlling movement of images, with
interaction design by Paul Verity Smith, Martin Dupras and Jeremy Hattosh-Nemeth
"Canções dos olhos / Augenlieder"
presentation of DVD installation, with brief live interface danced by Veronica
Endo, with music by Paulo C. Chagas, film by Johannes Birringer, and recorded
voice by sopranos April Crane and Hannah Morrison.
The evening began and ended with the butoh dance/
streaming poetry installation. Later in the night, Isabel Valverde showed a
documentary poetry journal she had created during her stay in the Mine. The
evening ended at 4:30 am.
We thank all our guests, audiences and supporters.
Special thanks to DeepWeb and Willi & Sebastian
Meiser for support in the creation of the webstream from the Gray Gallery. Thanks
also to TK Media Schmelz for telecommunications support.