Medienforschungsschwerpunkte im Sommer 2010 / Research Areas for summer 2010
documents from the lab process / Dokumentation des Wekstattprozesses John Richards, Sosana Marcelino, Michèle Danjoux are testing the new wearable electronic boards (portable integrated circuits with speakers)
Sosana Marcelino in rehearsal with new wearables
Gianfrano Celestino and Bernard Baumgarten recording sound on location (Mine Tower IV)
Ludmila Pimentel video project Glass dance (c) Pimentel 2011
Betti Ferraz video project
For Ludmila Pimentel's work, see also through the window
Go here for Page Two of our documents
Further notes on design and performance concepts are published on this site.
Allgemeine Beschreibung des Labors/ General Description of the Lab