Images from the labwork / Bilder aus der Werkstatt
Day 1
Shadow photograph of movement by Hayriye KocBasara,, during time travel on August 1, 2013 (c) KocBasara
Vanessa Michielon photographing the shadow of a tree and graffito, "Ich wollte dich nie verlieren" (I never wanted to lose you), Sinking Pond (c) KocBasara
Scavengers of time travel, Old Mine, in front of the fences, most of the old industrial territory is inaccessible this year due to new security restrictions (c) 2013 Vanessa Michielon
time travel
Taking a year equal to 365 days
or taking a year equal to 365 1/4 days
day unit (2(0) = 1) and so forth
2(8) = 256 - a year minus 109 days or a year minus 109 days
2 (9) = 512 - 1 year and 147 days
or 1 year and 147 days
2 (10) = 1024 - 1 year and 71 days
or 1 year and 72 days
2(11) = 2048 - 3 years minus 142 days
or three years minus 143 days
2(12) = 4096 - 11 years and 81 days
or 11 years and 70 days
2(13) = 8192 - 22 years and 162 days
or 22 years and 157 days
the life of centuries in the light of 3(n)
The eternal duel, illuminated by the torches of 3(n)
The staff of victory changes hands, passed from, one warrior of time to another
Waves of two worlds, the alternating spears of East and West, clashing through the centuries
(this calculation can be continued, see Velimir Khlebnikov, The Tables of Destiny, but I may not be alive after the multiplications)
Day 2 - 3
Interaction design tests by Vanessa Michielon and Anna Kroll (using Isadora patches), and sound experiments with Elliott O'Brart and Cameron McKirdy
Screen shots of digital live video tests - Muybridge studies - by Anna Kroll. 08/03 2013 (c) A. Kroll
For further film studies created by Anna Kroll, go here:
Day 4
The group holds a seminar on interactivity, polyphony and closed systems (auto-poiesis) intially inspired by
the theoretical literature made available, especially the Notes on Autonomy by Paulo Chagas.
Shadow with silver box and Malevich square, created by Elliott O'Brart. 4 August 2013 (c) Cameron McKirdy
Sunday night rehearsal featured Hayriye Koc Basara creating a life drawing (mediated by camera/projection) while
Emi Watanabe played flute in new Khlebnikov costume designed by Michèle Danjoux. The perforrmance improvisation lasted
40 minutes and includes several sections of silence, and musical performance (dialogue between Watanabe and Elliott O'Brart on sound processing). Members of the lab
joined Watanabe in the performance space to manipulate the real stones found by Vanessa Michielon. Hayriye Koc Basara drew a landscape of rocks (watercolor) that slowly
changed from 2-dimensional objects to 3-dimensional objects.
Hayriye Koc Basara drawing on camera with Isadora Live feed interface
At the end, Vanessa Michielon showed an excerpt from an experiment filming falling rocks in water,
captured under water with GoPro camera and modified in Isadora. Vanessa is also working on devising an installation-projection of her digital images into rocks on the ground.
Monday - Wednesday, Day 6-7
Labor-intensive rehearsals and tests, following the regular morning seminars. Varous small individual and collaborative projects are under way.
On Wednesday at 5 pm, a second observatory tour was conducted across the Mine campus, and on Thursday at 1:oo pm, the group went up the tall white Mining Tower.
Emi Watanabe (on flute) in new constructivist costumes and Vanessa Michielon in RedMicroDress. Design by Michèle Danjoux.
Thursday: Voice Animation Workshop
Alessandra Ravanelli conducts the day-long workshop on voice over and voice animation, the group rehearses together and builds small films and animations and learns to give voice to the films or 'synchronize' scenes that are done in a different language.
Example 1 (object voices)
(created by Elliott O'Brart, Michèle Danjoux, Anna Kroll, & Johannes Birringer)
Example 2 (language/voice synchronization)
Vom Winde verweht
(created by Uschi Schmidt-Lenhard & Klaus Behringer)
All day rehearsals and choreography workshop // Writing the "Manifesto on Interactive Art"
Michèle Danjoux with Vanessa Michielon and Emi Watanabe preparing rehearsal in costumes/wearables
Cameron McKirdy rehearsing with his visual compositions interacting with LeapMotion interface
Saturday, August 10, 20:30
Public Exhibition of the various works in progress:
performances, installations and interactive art
audience visiting Anna Kroll's interactive video installaton
Vanessa Vozzo's "Oracle" installation
Vanessa Michielo and Em Watanabe (left) in "Stone Rver"; Emi Watanable, Vanessa Mchielon in "Red Microphone Duet with Flute", designed by Michèle Danjoux, projection by C. McKirdy and sound processing by E. O'Brart
live on-camera drawing by Hayriye Koc Basara
farewell performance "Sonic Facade" programmed by Cameron McKirdy and Ellott O'Brart outside on the public square
+ + +
Was ist Interaktions-Kunst? Ein Manifest. (draft)
10 Years of Interaktionslabor:
Vanessa Michielon interview with Johannes Birringer
Allgemeine Beschreibung des Labors/ General Description of the Lab