12. Internationales InteraktionsLabor / 12th International Interaction Lab


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Monday 13 July 2015 / Montag 13. Juli 2015


Buchvorstellung / book launch

Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken




Please join us for this festive event / Herzlich Willkommen zu dem Abend im Künstlerhaus


Das Internationale Interaktionslabor auf dem Gelände der ehemalgen Grube Göttelborn gehörte zu den überregional wirksamen Kulturereignissen des Saarlandes. Seit 2003 lockte der Choreograph und Hochschullehrer Johannes Birringer in fast jedem Sommer Künstlerinnen, Techniker und Informatiker aus der halben Welt an, die sch jeweisl für swe Wochen mit der erforschung des künstlerischen Potentials der neuen interaktven Medien geschuaftigten. Sie expermentierten komponierend, filmend, tanzend, lötend mit neuester Software und Sensoren und grübelten über ihrem Manfest. Im September 2014 erschen das "Mainfest der Interaktionskust - Internationales Interaktionslabor Göttelborn. Dieses Buch zieht nach 10 Jahren Bilanz nicht nur der interaktiven Experimente, sondern auch der programmatschen und poetologischen Diskussonsn


Entritt frei


International Interaction Laboratory publishes "Manifesto of interactive art"

Interaktionslabor, the media lab founded by Johannes Birringer, celebrated its 10th anniversary last year on the grounds of the former coal mine Göttelborn (Germany). This summer the lab officially launches its third book publication: "Manifesto of interactive art"

Edited by Klaus Behringer and Johannes Birringer (for PoCul Publishers), the book describes the 10-year history of the interaction laboratory and its gradual evolution into one of the most unusual cultural phenomena of the Saarland region. Since 2003, this autonomous media lab has attracted artists, engineers and computer scientists from around the world, offering two-week residencices every summer for the exploration of the artistic potential of new interactive media. The participants experimented with software and sensors, performance, sound and film compositions, conducting research into interactive architectures and real time processes. They also developed prototypes for productions that were later presented on stages or in galleries, while debating the possible outlines of a manifesto. This book takes stock not only of the interactive experiments, but also of these programmatic and poetic discussions that took place over the past years.


The book is available in bookstores or can be ordered at http://www.pocul.de/html/buecher/manifest.html.


Free entry



18 July –26 July 2015

Metakimospheres and inhabitant, rehearsal at DAP-lab, February 2015 (c) DAP



The international Interaktionslabor will travel to Madrid in the summer of 2015 –

and its design and performance department (DAP) has been invited to collaborate on the five-year EU Culture Program research production of METABODY (2013-2018), with an expected architectual exhibition-performance-space to be created and touring Europe in 2017-18.


go here for background and research formation of METABODY


The founding director of the lab, along with collaborators from previous workshops, is now engaged in an extended performance research project titled "METABODY: Media Embodiment Tekhné and Bridges of Diversity," supported by the EU Culture Programme. This is the second time, after the 2006 Walhalla project, that Birringer was rewarded this prestigious EU grant. The long - term research venture continues the recently founded platform, “Performance Academy,” of workshops for performance-media design, interactional and wearable concepts, and investigations of gestural processes, protocols, and social choreography. Since October 2014, Birringer runs a MetaSeminar at Brunel University; four sessions took place in autumn 2014, 10 sessions are scheduled between February 3 and March 31, 2015 (every Tuesday).


Interaktionslabor and DAP-lab join their partners in the EU, promoting a research practice opened up to acknowledge the relevance of experimental treatments of actuality – of forms of collaborative creation – that may take us beyond the perspectives and protocols of established inquiry as we know it, artistically and academically. Since 2011, we have chosen gestures, costume instruments, and non-verbal communication as focus of the interactive workshops – gestures as practice that is at once aesthetic, corporeal, and political. The metalab offers parallel investigations into the relations between choreography and software, sound and motion-design, movement capture and 3d digital/virtual environment navigation, light and projection architecture.

For information on METABODY please visit the online platform (http://www.metabody.eu/) - Johannes Birringer and Michèle Danjoux have collaborated on the last Madrid (2014) platform - documenrtation of the event are on the theory pages.




10 Years of Interaktionslabor:

Vanessa Michielon interview with Johannes Birringer







Interaktionslabor wird geleitet von / is directed by Johannes Birringer

contact / Kontakt : johannes.birringer at brunel.ac.uk



Was ist Interaktions-Kunst? Ein Manifest.




INTAKT Interaktionslabor is supported by private-public partnerships and donations.


Technology Partners: FutureTech GmbH

.. Knecht Veranstaltungstechnik

WMSystem (Willi Meiser) Göttelborn......



Göttelborn Location (travel directions)d