18. Internationales InteraktionsLabor / 18th International Interaction Lab


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Friday August 6- Monday August 9, 2021


International Interaction Laboratory

Interaktionslabor, the media lab founded by Johannes Birringer, continues its smaller scale series of "plein air" workshops- pursued via the intersections of painting - writing - moving - filming - and photographing.


painting in progress, plein air 20219 workshop (c) Intakt


Interaktionslabor took place in the abandoned coal mine Göttelborn for 10 years. The experimental media lab, with its international residency program, now holds a distinguished place amongst a few similar ventures that had been created, in the 2000s, especially in Essen and the Ruhr area (North-Rhine Westphalia) in Germany after the demise of coal mining and the old industrial labor of working underground. Best known amongst these are PACT Zollverein (Essen) and its artistic programs & dance research. Similar wokshops in disused industrial sites have been created in other parts of the world.

Interaktionslabor then shifted activities to smaller-scale projects that take place at different locations in the Saarland, involving small groups of artists who use the retreat as a method of focussing on creative skills and somatechnic practices.


Inspired in turn by Birringer and Michèle Danjoux's London-based Design and Performance lab (DAP-Lab) but in equal measure by creative propositions from other artists who are part of the network– the summer projects continue the utopian idea of an independent small-scale “Performance Academy.”


The plein air workshops engage performance-media design, interactional concepts, investigations of gestural processes, protocols, and social choreography through painting, drawing, photography, writing and walking.


2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic caused a challenge of unknown dimensions, but we decicded to hold the lab last year in August, with eight artists attending. and we will hold another workshop in August 2021 - six or seven artists will be present.

For information on the precursor workshops up to 2018 (METABODY) - please visit the platform (http://www.metabody.eu/).

Johannes Birringer and Michèle Danjoux have collaborated on the Madrid platforms (2014 and 2015) and directed the London platform (2016) and further development of the kimospheres (kinetic atmospheres) in 2016-19: documentation of the event can be found also in these pages.

Birringer's new book on Kinetic Atmospheres: Performance and Immersion was completed a few weeks after the 2020 lab and will be published by Routledge in late 2021.




10 Years of Interaktionslabor:

Vanessa Michielon interview with Johannes Birringer







Interaktionslabor wird geleitet von / is directed by Johannes Birringer

contact / Kontakt : johannes.birringer at brunel.ac.uk



Was ist Interaktions-Kunst? Ein Manifest.




INTAKT Interaktionslabor is supported by private-public partnerships and donations.


Technology Partners: FutureTech GmbH

.. Knecht Veranstaltungstechnik

WMSystem (Willi Meiser) Göttelborn......



Göttelborn Location (travel directions)d