International Interaktionslabor 2024


Images from the installation-performances and workshop projects will be published here


kat macdonald preparing dress/set for her installation performance

(the design for the large black dress was created by Inflationary Assets)


Gallery Puzic, Sunday July 14
Impressions from the perflormance


a close up of the dress with holes

shedding is a reworking of the piece shedding femme from 2021, an examination of the ways in which feminine archetypes around fashion and presentation can entangle and constrain us, even lead us to a lost concept of the self.

Fashion and cloth are an amplification of the persona. They hide and shape our forms to present us the way we ideally would want to be viewed. They are the perfect tools for an artist looking to explore a break from the persona and the pursuit of freedom. As both an artist and a human being - I look for routes away from constricting and limiting myself. I want to be seen beyond the deceptions of projected personalities.

You’ll notice this black space in the gallery. Throughout the next 3-4 hours, I will slowly cut my way out of it, one small hole at a time. The piece will be complete once I have removed the dress at its centre, from the curtain of fabric.
You are welcome to come up and look through the small holes that I create, however, please refrain from clutching the fabric as it may fall down prematurely. The dress and its design were created by Inflationary Assets, a small Community Interest Company in the UK run by artist Agnes Cameron. You can find both this text and our websites on the screens by the technical desk.
The sound of this piece is twofold. As I cut small holes in the dress, there is a microphone inside that takes that sound and delivers it to software of my design. This software does a process called granulation, which you’ll hear through the fragmented sounds sent back.
The other part of the sound is a pre-recorded piece of music I composed called “internal_revolution” (available online), which will have its playback speed and direction altered every hour. The harmony of the two sounds forms the thematic backbone of the piece, perhaps conforming to the film music ideal of informing an audience of how to feel.
The piece will be live-streamed and broadcasted on Instagram via a camera in the corner.

Last thing. You’ll notice some scissors distributed around the space. Please feel free to take them and cut a small hole in the dress, by pinching very gently before cutting.

The audience is welcome to come and go as they please, leaving the gallery and returning at different points to see how the piece has progressed.

Kat Macdonald



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(c) Johannes Biringer

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Was ist Interaktions-Kunst? Ein Manifest.


10 Years of Interaktionslabor:

Vanessa Michielon interview with Johannes Birringer



Allgemeine Beschreibung des Labors/ General Description of the Lab
(english) (español)