Internationales Interaktionslabor




Streaming Poetry / Fliessende Posie

by Götz Rogge (Berlin)



streaming poetry


Enter here for full version of Streaming Poetry


Gyohei Zaitsu - Butoh dance

Isabel Valverde - Soundrecording

Goetz Rogge - Concept + Visuals

"Streaming Poetry" - a project based on observation of the environment (via digital video and microphones) to create a sense of authentic time-flow and poetic vision to reflect the surrounding world (or sense of scale). Using a virtually unmanipulated image, the emphasis is on precise framing, and a motif where it possible (with a little breath) to watch the time 'travelling'. That is always the case where there is process as live activity, nature, decay, sunlight and so on.

The visuals or acoustics will give reflection using nature and a rythm. We shall spread three internet live streams for most possible association (streamed via broadband from our laboratory server)


Fliessende Poesie (deutsche Textversion)




Götz Rogge / Berlin art + document /






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