

(Tzeni Argyriou, Ash Bulayev)

See You in Wahalla

Story Line

An average person starts playing a ‘new’ game, See You in Wahalla. He creates and guides his avatar through various experiences and the journey is taking place in an imaginary city, with the purpose to make this empty shell into “a civilized-socialized human being”.

The player confuses reality with the game and experiences a strange kind of affliction, which makes him observe urban life as a brand new experience.

Dramaturgy of the Performance.

Through out the performance we follow a storyline split in two.
The action switches between the action of the game and the life of the player who is trying to deal with reality infused by the action of game.

More specifically, the two performers in Amsterdam and Sofia represent our player and are seen exclusively through live-web cams The performer in Athens represents our avatar and is seen live on stage with pre-recorded video material.

The performer in Sofia represents our player during her regular life, the performer in Amsterdam represents our confused player during transitional moments between reality and video game, and the performer in Greece represents the avatar of the game.

Greek stage/Technical details

A projection surface that has a length of 12 meters and height of 3 meters will be the back wall of our set. The screen will contain three split windows (one next to the other) each measuring the classical 4X3. The videos will be back projected except from the middle screen that will be both back and front projected.
The middle screen will always play pre-recorded material.
The side windows will switch from both pre-recorded material to live web cam material and reverse.
-The maximum use of pre-recorded video is in all 3 windows.
The minimum use of pre-recorded video is one window and specifically the middle one.
The maximum use of web cams is in two windows (right and left)
The minimum use of web cam is in one window (either right or left)

Technical needs for the web cams performances

4 web cams in each city. Two pairs placed in two different predetermined locations of each city and one web cam inside the theater space.
1 microphone placed in the protagonist in the video squares of each city

1 stage manager that will have a communication with the performer in each city
1 person responsible for the streaming of the web cams to be continued…

Sofia/Amsterdam Stages

We propose to approach presentation of this project as an installation-documentation of the live performances.One big screen is placed in each venue (de Waag and Red House) and we sent one stream. In Athens there will be three cameramen with three high quality DV cameras and a video mixer that will live edit the images of the performer, the stage and the three screens

On-line audience
We propose to stream the live performance on line.

During the lab we will need to experiment and decide upon the kind of physical sensors used exclusively by the Greek performer and the proper physical placement of the decided sensors on her body in order to control the pre-recorded video material.

The various factors of pre-recorded video that we are thinking of controlling are:
Speed of playback
Direction of playback (Rewind, Forward, Fast Rewind, Fast Forward)
Pause/Play, on and off
Sound playback
Cuing of next clip
Masking video clip


(to be continued)