Medienforschungsschwerpunkte im Sommer 2010 / Research Areas for summer 2010
Schedule of Research Modules / Werkstattplan Saturday morning, August 13 Arrival 1. START UP of PROCESS IN GOETTELBORN COALMINE first weekend (Saturday and Sunday August 13-14)
Sunday August 14
(Stefan Zintel and John Richards)
c o n c e r t Tuesday, August 16 20:oo electroacoustic solo compositions, sound-art works and light design by Marko Ciciliani Graue Halle, am Campus, Göttelborn Coal Mine Eintritt frei / Free admission
(with Stefan Zintel: PD environments for sound and image motion control) GESTURE LAB / Electronics
Mag, mixed reality installation created by Marguerite Caruana Galizia, Anne Mareike Hess & Gianfranco Celestino (c) 2011
Saturday August 20 Saturday, August 20 20:00 (beyond, video installation, Anne-Laure Misme / Jennifer McColl / Sandy Finlayson (c) 2011) Video Installation, Interaktionslabor Göttelborn in progress (visitors are welcome)
Hannah Ma and Sonia Rodrigues, Bela and the Belly, Video installation (c) 2011
Sunday, August 21 Sunday, August 21, 20:oo Choreographic Installations, Graue Galerie Campus 1, Göttelborn Sosana Marcelino, dancing with newly designed costume and electronics, design by Michèle Danjoux and John Richards (c) 2011
Montag, August 22
Marguerite Caruana Galizina and Sosana Marcelino in a new interactive performance (c) 2011
Tuesday August 23, debriefing Lab ends after lunch
Further notes on design and performance concepts are published on this site.
Allgemeine Beschreibung des Labors/ General Description of the Lab