7. Internationales Interaktionslabor

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On the other Side of the Mirror



(1) About Sybille -and the empathies of the Du Norm Menschen (“You-Norm People”)

Fantasies of autistic people. 01 Jan (p.1)

My name is Sybille. and I am autistic (Aperger).
I would like to show you a part of my world.

For this, I also need someone who can help me, to mediate between the worlds. I somehow always need something, which is between me and you. Generally, in the everyday, I use a contact stick. In this case I also use Mr Lorenzen. He is a psychologist in the AutismAmb (ambulant service). I find him suitable for this.
A part of my world are fantasies. It starts most often with me just sitting there, I move back and forth (stereotypies), and I lose myself.
And already my journey is under way. I find myself on earth, the earth is unique in our solar system, a blue watery planet which is filled with life – on which life is possible. I see the sun at the sky – and in my thoughts I travel onward. From the bright light of the day, I dive into darkness of night, and I meet the Moon.
Mark Twain (American writer) has said somewhere….

Everyone is a moon
With a dark side

Which she doesn’t show to anyone.These words come to my mind, while I meet the Moon. But already I am moving on, further long, I am with Mercury. Mercury is a very extreme planet, he is closest to the Sun and yet his nights are among the coldest in our solar system. I move on to Venus – Mars , and past Jupiter on to Saturn – Uranus – Neptune, and then I also leave Pluto behind me, the planet furthest away from the Sun.

Then, suddenly, I see something – far, far beind the Milky Ways. It looks like a plane made of glass, it is translucent, somehow. I approach this planet, and I dive into its atmosphere. It is like magic, really easy.

And I am there already. I find myself on a planet which is far, far away from Earth. I notice that I breathe, yes, that I am alive. This is a planet on which life is possible. I look around myself. The first thing I notice is that many buildings are made of glass. It is a somewhat foreign, and yet so familiar architecture. Also, I don’t see so many colors and colorful spots as on Earth. It’s all in a kind of blue and glass combination. I look to the skies, in order to find the sun. But there is no sun. I don't understand why how it can be so bright on this planet, without a sun. The sky also has no disturbing, always moving and changing clouds that could frighten me. I suddenly begin to notice a soft sensation of coziness. What I see so far, I like a lot. My eyes focus again on the streets.

The streets are clearly structured, and somehow appear orderly. The street signs are kept in alphabetical order. There, now I see the first human beings? Or human species? No, they really are humans, just like the “You”(Norm) and “I” (autist). I automatically walk towards these human beings. When I am only a few steps away from the human beings, I can suddenly, yes, I know at once: these human beings are not like “You” (norm) and “I” (autist). These people are like “I”.

Whoops, in this moment, when I become aware of this, I feel the arrogance in myself, to judge, and to be happy, that “You” are so different, and not “I” (autist).
It is strange, how quickly one finds oneself standing on the other side of the mirror. For a moment I enjoy the feeling, however. Then suddenly, there is a different feeling in me, somehow sad - empty, yes, almost shameful. I begin to think, ask myself whether on this planet there are also “You” people.
If yes, how would they live in the world in which autistic people are the norm?

……. Ring , ring ….. . My ears! Something is wrong with my ears. A loud, shrill sound.
- then comes the emptiness. - an amost infinite emptiness

I am back on earth



(2) Wetterwechsel/Changes in Nature p. 4-5

Changes in nature, the different seasons, also cause me problems. For example, it is summer. I have just gotten used to the color-light intensity in my environment. Trees, meadows, everything, yes, even the houses, streets, the people appear differently, as if I were in a foreign city.
I have just gotten used to it, so that I can orient myself more or less. Then begins the change to autumn. The colors seem to almost change over night. The same city – street, the same place, it now effects me differently. The clouds in the sky, they disturb me the most, and make me insecure.

They appear to me like constantly changing shapes, in color and form, and also in their proximity to the earth. Sometimes it appears to me, therefore, as if they were really close, very large, heavy, dark, and with a peculiar, light corona of light behind them. (e.g. look at clouds in paintings, for example in Nolde; this is a good perception).

I have the feeling that they could fall to earth at any second, and could cause a lot of chaos. Then, when there are strong winds in the fall, and hundreds of leaves are blown around in the air, then my feeling of chaos is complete. Sometimes the leaves touch me, and even thogh there are clothes between my skin and the leaves, I feel something that is like the burning of a cigarette tip touching my skin.

Then it can happen that I react a little hysterically. Seemingly without cause I react with silent screaming (as a child I used to scream very loudly), with vigorous arm movements, with restless walking back and forth, and with auto agression.

Today, as an adult, I don’t react quite so strongly any more. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I have experienced the changing of the seasons for so many years, that I have learnt to cope with it better. But it is disquieting, nevertheless, for me. This changing game of nature.

Earlier, when I was a child, my reactions were much more uncontrolled and strong; in such situations, I would knock my head against the wall, for example, so hard that it could happen that I gave myself a concussion without noticing it.

The change to the winter I don’t experience quite as bad. During the winter, I have difficulties recognizing the times of the day. For example, when is morning, afternoon, or evening. An even greater problem for me in the winter is to recognize, understand the temperature. My inner thermostat somehow registers things too late. That is why I am sick a lot in the winter time. I really only notice that I am cold when my skin is blue, and when I tremble with my whole body. When that happens I cannot hold my contact stick properly. It falls down often. I just can't feel it in my hands anymore.

Since I have a few problems with my body perceptions anyway, I don’t quite feel the cold in this state of coldness. It can happen, for example, that I get a feeling of being hot, and I take my coat off inspite of the cold. Often I also have difficulties breathing in those situations (asthma attacks), so that I have real problems, until I am back home again. Then I also often get a fever, and sometimes the ashtma attacks won't stop, so that Patricia sends me to the hospital. Then Patricia dresses me, and I walk to the hospital nearby, which is only three or five minutes away. It is almost across from my apartment. The doctors there already know me, since that happens quite often. I am then given infusions, - oxygen, penicilin, or antibiotica. If I am lucky, th4en it isn’t pneumonia, and I am healthy again quickly. After 2 weeks in the hospital, they let me go home again. I think that the perceptual disorder causes the autism.

I also think that the perceptual disorder is not the same with each autistic person. There probably are autitsic persons, who notice their particulat perceptual disorders in other areas, and who experience them in different intensities. It would be good if also other persons who are affected by autism were to write of their feelings and experiences of their perceptual disorders, or express themselves in some form. Some of them of course, they have lost speech, and if in addition they cannot not write, then I would perhaps encourage them to draw their perceptions. These would surely be very interesting drawings. I don't see the autistic person as crazy, or debilitated or handicapped. I see the autistic person as a crystal. At first sight, the person looks like glass - empty – cold - hard – closed off (deficient, without phantasy and emotion). But when I hold the crystal in the direction of the sun (i.e. if I hold it in the right direction), then it happens that this person lights up in the most beautiful rainbow colors. Only then do you recognize the fullness and the beauty of the crystal.

It is like this with some artists. For example, I believe that many artists also have perceptual disorders, and because of this percpetual disorder they paint really astonishing paintings, and they show the people, and often especially the “You”- Norm-People, a special world, for which the latter pay a lot of money, so that they can hang that world on their walls. A world, which they like, and which they themslves cannot see. And suddenly, now it is no longer called crazy, of debilitated or handicapped or grotesque. Suddenly it is called “art.”


(3) Inside the Picture p. 5


Sometimes, when I see a beautiful picture, then fantasy enters my mind. I walk into the picture, so that I become part of the picture. For example, a picture on which a large meadow is painted, behind the meadow you see a small brick house, nothing else is visible in the picture. I walk barefoot across the grass, and suddenly I begin to feel the blades of grass under my feet. A soft wind arises, just a tiny breath of wind, the blades gently sway back and forth. In this moment I notice the smell of fresh grass and a feeling of happiness inside me. Then I have the need to just lie down on the grass, and to enjoy this moment.
Yet then I see a few daisies. I am afraid that I might harm them or somehow destroy them if I now lie down on the grass.

Therefore I walk on, very softly and carefully, and I watch out that I don’t step on anything that I could hurt. It feels as if the grass and the daisies notice this, as they tickle me under my soles, and it seems as if they giggle, in a soft and friendly manner. Then I suddenly notice that I also begin to giggle. It is funny, somehow.
Then I see the small house in front of me. I wonder whether someone lives inside it. I turn around, and look at the meadows with the daisies. And suddenly I am no longer interested in the little house. I prefer to go back to the meadow, where everythink appears to be so simple and peaceful. On the meadow I hear again the giggling of the grass and of the daisies. I return as carefully as I walked earlier, and we giggle together, the meadow, the daisies, and I. I find myself standing in front of the painting and giggling. I look around, with an uncertain feeling, everything appears so chaotic to me in this world. I hear how someone says” “look at that woman, she doesn’t have it together, stands there giggling in front of the painting.” “Yes, a crazy person, let us move on.” Such situations happen often to me.
Then I am confused and nervous.

Often I don't remember anymore, in such situations, why I am in this place or in a shop. I think to myself, what are you doing here? Go on, go on, quickly move away! It is possible that I appear to be confused or crazy, to others in such situations. But that only is the case because they cannot see what I see. It is quite obvious to me, that what I see is not real. That is my fantasy.

(4) Movements pp. 12-16

What are stereotypies?

Stereotypies are motions of individual body parts that reapeat themselves continuously. Many people, even doctors, believe these are senseless motions.
These motions happen with me, for example, in the back and forth swaying of my upper body. I think I do this almost constantly.
Another stereotypy is, for example, the playing with hands and fingers in front of the eyes, turning my fingers in front of the eyes. Or to knock on glass marbles. This kind of knocking I do with a lot objects. I could now mention many other stereotypies which mght occur with autistic persons, for example, smacking one’s lips (I don't do that myself) or fiddling, piddling. Frederic always used to piddle around as a child. He prefered to do this on the sofa, with his clothes, or the wallpaper, so that there were holes in them sometomes. I believe there are various behaviors of this kind. Not all autistic persons have the same stereotypies.How do physicians or external observers see stereotypies?

In my experience, opinions and peceptions about stereotypies differ. Physicians often sdee them as senseless behaviors, which perhaps can be gotten rid of through medication. One doctor thought that in my case, the swaying back and forth looked grotesque, and that was the reason why I would not get a job with the You-Norm-People”. If I’d get a job at all, it would have to be work where there is no interaction with the public.
I didn’t exactly understand what he actually meant by that. He then gave me some medication, it was some kind of medication against Parkinson Disease. That was supposed to get rid of my stereotypy. Well, I then took the medication (pills) a few days. But the back and forth swaying did not go away, I just fell down and fainted a few times. Julia, a friend of kine, then suggested that I should not take these pills anymore. She also explained to me what the doctor meant by “grotesque” and “work without interaction with the public.”

Julia said,” You know that story of Quasimodo, the bell ringer of Notre Dame. He was also a handicapped person whom they had to hide in the bell tower, so that the “You-Norm-People” did not have to look at him. Because he appeared so “grotesque.” Oh - oh, I get it. I understand what Julia told me. But I didn'’t like it. My problem was that I don’t see myself or perceive myself in this way. That I somehow appear to be different, or look different – yes, I knew that, but I had no idea that I have such an effect on the “You-Norm-People.” From that time on, I did not go back to that doctor.

How does the person concerned (i.e. how do I perceive stereotypies for myself?) perceive the back and forth swaying of the body? I know that I have several stereotypies. But in everyday life, during my normal days, I am not really aware of them. It just happens. But when I talk about it with Mr Lorenzen, for example, then I become aware of the stereotypy, I become conscious of it….. The meaning of sterreotypies

I think I make these motions almost all the time. For external observers it must appear as if I am nervous, or they might think that I have music in my head.
But this is not the case. I don't have music in my head, and I am not necessarily nervous. It, it just happens that my body sways back and forth. I cannot influence it.
If I didn't do it, then I become nervous, or even aggressive. The movements do not come from my being nervous. They are simply a part of me. But they can change in intensity.


(5) p. 46 Eating and Clothes

For 40 years I have had problems with it (eating with cutlery); and especially when I was a child it often led to hysterical attacks, and screaming. There was a lot of stress and frustration connected to it, for me, and also for my environment. Hmm, it just takes someone who is intelligent, and not judgemental. Simply someone who ponders why this is so. Hmm, I believe that one cannot get rid of autism, but with the right kind of support (e.g. therapist) it is possible to reduce the autistic person’s small daily problems, which can weigh heavily on the person concerned or on their family, to make them easier.

There are many of these small problems, which often cause misunderstandings with the “You-Norm-People,” and lead to rejection. For example, also regarding clothes. Dr Kronenberger once gave some of her clothes as a gift, so that I could wear them. Those were really nice clothes, and expensive too. But I could not wear these clothes.

I don't really know why this is so. But some materials I simply cannot wear. I would constantly pull on the clothes or scratch myself. I also like clothes only in very particular colors – beige – light blue – pastel colors. The clothes that Dr Kronenberger gave me were always brown, dark red, black. I also don't like right and rigid clothes. I prefer soft – large materials.

Those are just so much more enjoyable, the way they feel on my skin. This is again a problem which I remember from my childhood, which often caused restlessness, nervousness and hysterical attacks, right through to auto aggression


.(6) Ligthting out into the world . pp; 32-33


I simply don't feel comfortable in the world of the “You-Norm-People.” My world is simpler, clearer, and more beautiful. Hmm, I am thinking, I wonder if I would want to be a “You-Norm-Person” if I could? No, I don't want to be a “You-Norm-Person.” I also (ha, as Mr Lorenzen once said to me) don't want to “go out into the world.”
Since there in that world, there are the “You-Norm-People”. It is not that I don't like them. Rather, I simply don’t understand them. They are so exhausting. I prefer to be alone. In my small, autistic world.

(7) Talking Playing Cards pp. 7-8

It is easier to have a conversation with just one person. If the person is familiar, then it works quite well. It is important that either the person or the environment is well known to me. During the conversation I don't like to have direct eye contact with the person. I don't like to look at the person directly, since eye to eye contact causes somehow that I cannot talk. If it happens occasionally, that I look directly into someone’s eyes, and if that person also looks at me directly, then it feels as I could look right into the bottom of that person’s soul. It is somehow as if I would look right through a door which is actually closed.
I think there are doors that should simply remain closed.
It is simply to close to me. I don't like it.

When there are cards between the person and myself (Tarot cards, or normal card game), then I hardly notice my handicap. Then I can talk quite easily also with people I don't know. This kind of conversation is called playing cards. I sometimes look at the person (rather, look through them) when playing cards, and I continue to talk as if in a trance. Next, I look down on the cards, and I answer the question that this person might have. The people like that, they think that I can tell the future, and divine their fortune. And it is often true what I tell the people as my answer. Often things happen in the future, as I had told the clients they would happen. Why this is true quite often, I really don’t know. But the clients believe it. Of course I am not a fortune teller, and I am not a witch, as some people have said. It is simply a capability which I discovered for myself as a child, that I can speak through playing cards.

Something needs to be between and the other person.







Was ist Interaktions-Kunst? Ein Manifest.







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